Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Moderator questions

Author: Prakash Das

Date: 02:47:45 12/14/98

Go up one level in this thread

On December 13, 1998 at 20:17:14, SEAN EVANS wrote:

Sean, you are making an assumption that I will read rgcc, or something else on
usenet. I did not say I would do this.. Neither do I have the time for all that
nor the inclination. Nor do I believe a CCC moderator should do all that. All I
said was that I would reserve the right to review/whatever, if someone
complained to me. And even then, I might not do much if the person has not done
anything to violate the CCC charter.

 My key point is "to reserve".

I have no problem having an opinion poll on how CCC members like to be governed,
and the moderator just making sure it is.

 IRL, I am a pretty even-handed person, not given to banning or condemnation of
people , even sinners. But at the same, as moderator, I would still have to
follow the charter.

 Don't make it too complicated than it is :-)

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