Date: 17:17:14 12/13/98
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On December 13, 1998 at 18:49:43, Prakash Das wrote: Hello Prakash Das, thank you for responding, >I did not say or imply this. Obviously I will not be moderating rgcc or >anything else.. I implied any related problems from CCC which spilled over and >if they were brought to my attention that as a result made the life of a CCC >member here so difficult he could not participate in these boards. Uhhhh.... How could something happening at rgcc make it impossible for somebody to participate at CCC. I have *never* seen this situation... granted posts are made at rgcc that CCC members do not like but nothing *said* can or should be construed to affect a CCC members ability to post *here*.... >Another >example would be where as a result a post here, that member was harrassed >repeatedly in email, and as a result he/she complained to me. Obviously the >moderator (in my view) has to do something about this. Why !?..... CCC Board members are elected to look after what is posted at the CCC Web Board, that is it.... Board members are not elected to be "Internet Cyber-Cops", if somebody is being harrassed illegally then that individual should speak to legal authorities not the CCC Board members.... I understand that you say this with *only* the best of intentions but you simply do not understand what the rules of Usenet and the responsibilities of the Board members are and/or should be..... >So, while a moderator would ideally like only to focus on CCC and nothing else, >in practice this will not be so, and there will always be exceptional cases. I believe that your statement is incorrect... rgcc and Usenet *cannot* and should *not* be policed by CCC Board members.... it is impossible to read every single post on every single Chess group on the Internet... remember there is ICC, rgcc, etc... it is simply *impossible* for the CCC Board to monitor every post and situation.... A post made at rgcc *may* be considered acceptable there but here that post would be deleted... Different NG different style of Post.. >A moderator by necessity has to keep all options open, and not be forced to >admit to some narrow viewpoints. At least that's how I feel. Admiting one's limits in life is a strength...not a weakness...staying focused on the issues and postings at CCC is a Board members singular responsibility.... > How does saying being understanding and not a hot head rule out objectivism > and fairness? > >Making baseless and provocative assumptions and reasoning is not an intelligent >way to communicate. Agreed.... If you believe I have done this I *apologize*... My personal belief about Usenet is it is a *mediocre* form of communication... I did not mean to be provocative.... yet you have interpreted that way... this is another reason why CCC can only be monitored by it's *standards* alone... Different groups different assumptions about such things as *being* provocative... > Well, then please do not smile while making ludicrous statements. Ludicrous ?!.... perhaps a CCC member with less thickened skin than myself may consider this provacative.... but at rgcc... we would consider this mild... Have a *great* day Prakash Das and good luck, Sean Evans
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