Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Moderator questions

Author: Prakash Das

Date: 15:49:43 12/13/98

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On December 12, 1998 at 16:17:12, SEAN EVANS wrote:

>Interesting Prakash Das.... so you are going to monitor and read every single
>post at rgcc and CCC which is the only way you will know what is happening
>there... please forgive my sarcasm but I am being *bluntly* honest as your point
>makes absolutely no sense....

 I did not say or imply this. Obviously I will not be moderating rgcc or
anything else.. I implied any related problems from CCC which spilled over and
if they were brought to my attention that as a result made the life of a CCC
member here so difficult he could not participate in these boards. Another
example would be where as a result a post here, that member was harrassed
repeatedly in email, and as a result he/she complained to me. Obviously the
moderator (in my view) has to do something about this.

 So, while a moderator would ideally like only to focus on CCC and nothing else,
in practice this will not be so, and there will always be exceptional cases.

 A moderator by necessity has to keep all options open, and not be forced to
admit to some narrow viewpoints. At least that's how I feel.

>>I believe a moderator should be understanding and not a hot head.
>Interesting..... how about fair and objective ?!

 How does saying being understanding and not a hot head rule out objectivism and

Making baseless and provocative assumptions and reasoning is not an intelligent
way to communicate.

>I say this with a smile...

 Well, then please do not smile while making ludicrous statements.

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