Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Comp Page Updated: Fortress 1.5 and Round 5 of the Winboard Tourney

Author: Djordje Vidanovic

Date: 14:32:50 01/15/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 15, 1999 at 13:43:40, Dann Corbit wrote:

>GNUChess is a *pansy*.
>Try it against a real program.
>A 3 or better score in a ten game match against commercial programs or crafty
>would be impressive.

Hi, Dann! GNU ain't no pansy.  You are wrong. Try to beat GNU under any serious
playing conditions and publish the games of the match, I challenge you.  But,
since people are clamouring -- let me say that I have just put up the new
version of Fortress on my web site. Enjoy it! I have always liked its playing
style, and now it is so easy to use with all the Winboard support.

One other thing that you can find on my site is the 5th round of the Winboard
engines tourney organised by Kai Skibbe and Frank Quisinsky.  Bionic Impakt beat
Crafty, Phalanx won its match vs Little Goliath. This duo is leading.  Take a
look, and an old pgn pirate like yourself, Dann, should have his mouth watering
what with all the new games...

Sorry, but due to the public outcry I hurried with this and haven't had enough
time to sort out the new, long overdue, blitz rating list. Will do that as soon
as I find time.


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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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