Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 18:10:33 01/17/99
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On January 16, 1999 at 17:42:16, James Robertson wrote: [SNIP] >That is the equivalent of saying "I'm so weak, I only manage to beat the top >programs." I actually saw someone post "my program is weak - it only won 6-4 >against Arasan." What an insult to Jon Dart! >In the same way it seems you are writing with false humility. >How insignificant must my brain be, when I eaten alive by pansys like Gnuchess? I have a friend (Tu Kim To) who has seen me beat GNUChess and Arasan many times. That was, admittedly, on much weaker hardware (P180) and even at that I lost or drew a lot more often than winning. It was a while back, so both programs are much improved now also, I imagine. I have beaten crafty, long ago, on a Pentium 180. But I have not won a game against crafty in about 2 years and rarely even achieve a draw. I also agree that I can be a real cocky twerp at times, even though I don't mean to be. I often overestimate my ability and lack the humble attitude that makes a person nice to be around. One of the reasons I like playing against machines is that no one's ego is at stake. But I should be careful how I speak in a forum where the program's authors are likely to be listening. >>I have yet to beat CM6000 or Rebel 10 at 40/2. >>I have not beaten Crafty in well over a year (I'll blame it on the hardware >>upgrade to PII 300). Most of the time I lose against CM/Re/Cr, rarely even >>achieving a draw. So those are "non-pansy" opponents. In my vernacular. >> >>If you are actually upset, allow me to say that your program is much stronger > >No, I am not upset. I get chewed up by my program, and that is all I want; a >program that can beat me. I will get more ambitious later. :) > >>than any I have ever written (which is none). Also, that I was simply implying >>that calling a program "the new Morphy" requires something more than defeating >>GNUChess. > >I agree completely with this, but insulting Gnuchess is not the way to make your >point. I have already admitted I was wrong. I lost my so-called wager badly. What's more, I would have kept trying if I felt that I had some chance to win. After a few games, you can really feel when you are outclassed. I was outclassed. Most of the time, my posts are a bit tongue-in-cheek. Communication over the internet can come across in a way unintended. I can see by your followups that you were genuinely offended, and I genuinely do apologize.
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