Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Dedicated chess computers vs PC chess.Perhaps a fair way of testing?

Author: Murat

Date: 15:52:17 12/07/04

I was thinking about testing my dedicated computers against monster PC programs.

now 3 to 30 mhz vs 2.4gigahertz or better makes such a test pointles, but what
if we use a rarely used level, being fixed depth.

we can put the dedicated unit on 8 ply and do the same on the PC rogram.
I think this will make things like prossesor speed or hash tables irrelevant.

Sure the PC will make its move in a second and the dedicated can take some time
but at the end this will simulate a level playing field to test the chess
knowledge of the two.

Sounds like fun? What say you Steve?

all the best


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