Author: Chuck
Date: 02:50:11 12/08/04
Go up one level in this thread
On December 07, 2004 at 18:52:17, Murat wrote: > >I was thinking about testing my dedicated computers against monster PC programs. > >now 3 to 30 mhz vs 2.4gigahertz or better makes such a test pointles, but what >if we use a rarely used level, being fixed depth. > >we can put the dedicated unit on 8 ply and do the same on the PC rogram. >I think this will make things like prossesor speed or hash tables irrelevant. > >Sure the PC will make its move in a second and the dedicated can take some time >but at the end this will simulate a level playing field to test the chess >knowledge of the two. > >Sounds like fun? What say you Steve? > >all the best > >Murat Hi Murat, Sounds like a good idea, only one problem is the definition of depth. Some programs have a different take on a fixed depth of say, 7 ply, most notably in how much extensions they do. You may find other differences as well, depending on the programs you choose. So you may have to do some analysis on each program before starting and see if there is anything you can do to level the extensions and any other factors that may skew the results. Cheers, Chuck
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