Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Collector's Corner..Knowing your opponent..

Author: John Merlino

Date: 16:53:38 01/10/05

Go up one level in this thread

On January 10, 2005 at 18:55:32, Steve B wrote:

>and here i knew i would win
>the Granite thinks it will win another pawn but in fact loses the game
>after my next move the Granite simply cannot  see deep enough to realize that
>there will be a mate on g7
>my King will be subject to several useless checks by the Black Queen ,all of
>which will push the ply count well outside of the computers 5-6 ply horizon..
>37. Qc3!
>back on the long diagonal ,this time with devastating effect
>[D] 4r1k1/7p/2p1P1pP/1p1q2P1/p7/4QR2/P6K/8 w - - 0 1

A fine game, as always. However, the position immediately before this move,
before your opponent played Re8, appears to be a draw, and all Black had to do
was play 36...Qd6+. {37.Kh1 b4 38.e7 Re8}.

[D]r5k1/7p/2p1P1pP/1p1q2P1/p7/4QR2/P6K/8 b - - 0 8

Can anybody show that this is a win for White? CM9000_R1 calls it a draw in one
second on an AMD 2500 and does not change its mind after three minutes.


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