Author: Charlie GOLD
Date: 09:16:28 01/24/99
Elite Auto-sensory Chess Challenger, 1983 is a larger wood board and wood pieces than Chess Challenger 12. It has all the features of the 12 plus magnetic sensing of the pieces(no pressing squares), a LED on each sq., voice and beep control, infinite time controls and levels of play, display screen that shows depth, score, move, and nodes. It also has CMOS memory save-good for a month. It was the winner of the Third World Micro Chess Computer Championship in Budapest. It has the same specifications as the 12. Chess Challenger 12E, 1984 was a slight upgrade of the CC12(1983). It has all the features of the 12 plus CMOS memory. Same specs. Excellence(EP12), 1986 was an all plastic table model with all the features of the CC9 plus battery indicator, solve "cooks"and no mate found announcement, take back(31ply), a stronger program than the CC12. Operates on mains or batteries. ROM: 16K, RAM: 2K, MHz: 3.
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