Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Dedicated Chess Computers - Fidelity, cont..

Author: Karsten Bauermeister

Date: 12:53:46 01/24/99

Go up one level in this thread

On January 24, 1999 at 12:16:28, Charlie GOLD wrote:

>     Elite Auto-sensory Chess Challenger, 1983 is a larger wood board and wood
>pieces than Chess Challenger 12. It has all the features of the 12 plus magnetic
>sensing of the pieces(no pressing squares), a LED on each sq., voice and beep
>control, infinite time controls and levels of play, display screen that shows
>depth, score, move, and nodes. It also has CMOS memory save-good for a month. It
>was the winner of the Third World Micro Chess Computer Championship in Budapest.
>It has the same specifications as the 12.
>     Chess Challenger 12E, 1984 was a slight upgrade of the CC12(1983). It has
>all the features of the 12 plus CMOS memory. Same specs.
>     Excellence(EP12), 1986 was an all plastic table model with all the features
>of the CC9 plus battery indicator, solve "cooks"and no mate found announcement,
>take back(31ply), a stronger program than the CC12. Operates on mains or
>batteries. ROM: 16K, RAM: 2K, MHz: 3.

Hi Charlie,

sorry, but the Elite A/S couldn't display nodes per second. Therefore there were
three versions of the program. The "Pre-Budapest" (Prestige-program, rare sold),
the Budapest-version and one year later the Glasgow-version with the 1984


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