Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Bionic v Crafty - a possible solution

Author: Ren Wu

Date: 18:31:26 01/25/99

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On January 25, 1999 at 19:39:22, James Long wrote:

>Why do you oppose open source?  Because you don't want to see
>a fellow programmer get robbed, or because that's just one more
>program that's better than yours?  Again, it's a double edged

Ok, let me tell you a well-known chinese story (and sorry for my english if i
can't state it right, but you can get the idea):

A young man went to another country, and he was amazed by the walking style of
the people in this country. So he tried very hard to learn walking like that.
But he didn't get it very well. Even worse, when he backed home country, he
already forgot his own style of walking, and couldn't walk anymore.

This is to say, sometime it is not a good idea for a beginner to learn something
he is not ready to learn. And this is the case of crafty source.

When I started programming in China back to 17 years ago, there are very few, if
any, source code available. And I have to write everything myself. But I never
regret that, I know at that time my code is just like junk compare with the
master's. But it does give me the *best* trainning possible. I firmly believe
that one learn programming by progrmaming, instead by looking.

When I first come to US and worked for a OCR project in 1990, I have a surprise
discovey that when we faced a programming task, our fellow programmer from US is
always get something close and modify it to make it work, and the fellow
programmers from China, include myslef, is usually just do a brief topdown
design and start programming. Hard to say which is faster/better. But I
convinced one thing, that is too much source code can kill one's creativity.

I believe that is also the case of crafty, a new chess programmer will get
bounded by crafty's source code. Few can ever breakup from it, and having their
own ideas.

Of course i did looked crafty's source code. But I have to said for me the most
important file is main.c, i can spend 1 minutes there and instant know what Bob
has done in his new version. Also for me, bob's post is a lot more useful than
the source code. He is a master of explaining things.

My program is not based on anyone's. At my early days of chess programming, Tony
Marsland's excellent paper is always the best source. and of course others like
Don Beal, Jonathen Schaeffe, David Levy. Bob and Bruce's posts at rgcc and ccc
is also very good too. I think those are far better for a beginners.

And don't think that my program is weak too. It (my chess porgram) had neck to
neck performance compared with any top pc program back to 2 years ago. My
chinese chess program has been the world strongest for quite a long time.

maybe you are interested in know more about me from here

>I, for one, am eternally grateful to those who have provided source.
>I think it takes a lot of "unselfishness."  Hopefully one day
>I will come up with an idea or two that will benefit others.
>If I do, I'll return the favor.
And post you ideas here will benefit even more people, include me.

>Just my two cents...


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