Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The importance of opening books -- a simple experiment

Author: Dan Honeycutt

Date: 13:48:27 02/21/05

Go up one level in this thread

On February 21, 2005 at 13:08:17, Arturo Ochoa wrote:

>[snip] ... it is just a problem regarding to the English language. Am I wrong?

I think you are right.  Having been a member of forums in Spanish, I know how
easy it is for the meaning to become clouded due to imprecise use of a language
that is not your first.  As I follow this discussion, I don't think the two of
you are as far apart as you perhaps think you are.

Btw, Arturo - thanks for the kind wishes elsewhere in the thread.  It's good to
see you back.  When you announced the end of your involvement with Diep I sensed
much frustration and feared that might drive you away from computer chess.  Now,
working with Zappa, it seems the old Arturo is back.  Maybe at some future date
I can imprive Bruja to the point where it might warrant your help.  Y, Si
trabajamos juntos no corremos tanto riesgo que queda algo malentendido; entre
los dos idomas debemos poder encontrar uno que sirve.

Dan H.

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