Author: Peter Kasinski
Date: 05:32:52 02/19/99
Go up one level in this thread
Stefan, Sorry if I gave an unfair assessment of the many new features in Shredder. By no means was this an attempt at a comprehensive review. I leave that to KK. On the other hand, I am surprised that my post would have triggered a question "what's wrong with Shredder?". I was clearly impressed with your program. Even shortly after Paris I posted here congratulating you and asking why Shredder gets so little respect. Its showing in both main and blitz event was excellent and clearly demonstrated Jakarta was no fluke. Now, as a self-proclaimed Shredder fan and defender :-) I have a couple of questions: a) What do you think about a dynamic tablebase lookup? b) Is there a parallel Shredder in our future? Thanks, PK.
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