Author: Harald Faber
Date: 05:58:30 02/19/99
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On February 19, 1999 at 06:48:28, Ulrich Tuerke wrote: >>3) strength >> We can discuss if I will ever beat Shredder1-3 but one always wants the best >> program to get the best analysis (e.g.) >> Shredder has/had some highlights of course, but all in all I think it is a >>bit behind. Maybe Sherdder can compete with other programs, I don't know, but >> at the moment I am running a match against Hiarcs7 which doesn't look well >>although Shredder has a speed advantage of 50%. So far: >> Hiarcs7: 11.0, Shredder3: 7.0 >> (Shredder on K6-200/24+8MB hash, Hiarcs7 on MMX166/47MB hash, 40/120+rest/60) >> > >Harald, I think that this is just wrong. Look for instance at Enrique's >tournament where Shredder-3 competed very well with the current top programs. Never denied it. He finished in the middle. >Your result 11:7 is not statistically significant. At best you can conclude >that none of both programs is without chance against the other one. I didn't say that. I wrote: "I think it is a bit behind." Nothing wrong with that and fits with Enriques tourney! And I won't conclude ANYTHING out of this 11-7 because I also saw Hiarcs7-WChess 12-8 and with switched colours there was WChess-Hiarcs 12-8. Anyway I admit I expected some better results for Shredder3 although these are only 18 games. I thought 50% speed advantage would have a bigger effect. >May be, we have to wait for SSDF, but I expect that Shredder-3 will rank among >the Top-8. >Uli We'll see. Maybe my match will be finished before some games are played by SSDF but I will, at least for myself, conclude SOMETHING from this 40-game-match. 40 games isn't the world but it INDICATES. However we have drifted away from the topic... And, finally, I only gave MY PERSONAL opinion.
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