Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Chess960: X-FEN rules international

Author: Reinhard Scharnagl

Date: 22:38:24 08/03/05

Go up one level in this thread


> I don't get it, I really don't. You don't in fact think that SMK is trying to
> "attack" Chess960, do you? In the surely unlikely case that you do, what would
> be his motive in your opinion?

it is to brandmark Chess960 as a variant instead of being a compatible superset
to chess. That would help to keep Chess960 and its players out of some scenes,
to discriminate such PGN files, finally building up an Apartheid against FRC.

Why not ask SMK, what reason lead to refute any compromise proposal made before
he published his new Shredder? I have been very private communicating with SMK
before his attack, supporting him with suggestions, informations and proposals.
Thus his incompatible Shredder FEN has not been an "accident" but was intended
as an obvious compatibility attack against the current status quo in Chess960.

So it has been SMK starting that very unnecessary confrontation.


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