Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Node count explosion

Author: Mridul Muralidharan

Date: 12:41:48 09/03/05

[D]r2q3r/1b1k1pbp/p4np1/2BP1pN1/p1B5/P1Q5/1PP3PP/R3K2R w KQ - 0 19

My engine royally blows up when it comes to this position (arrived at a game
against some engine a long while ago).
I suspected excessive extensions , qsearch problems , eval inconsistencies ,
bugs , etc.
Could not find any bugs and there were no obvious others problems ... the
position just kills the node count.
Analysed it with other engines and most if not all had similar problems.

I have not done an actual position analysis of the position with a strong player
(that is tactics , positional aspects , etc - just analysed the stats that my
engine dumps for this pos).

Any comments ?


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