Author: Tony Werten
Date: 00:22:39 09/05/05
Go up one level in this thread
On September 03, 2005 at 15:41:48, Mridul Muralidharan wrote: >[D]r2q3r/1b1k1pbp/p4np1/2BP1pN1/p1B5/P1Q5/1PP3PP/R3K2R w KQ - 0 19 > >My engine royally blows up when it comes to this position (arrived at a game >against some engine a long while ago). >I suspected excessive extensions , qsearch problems , eval inconsistencies , >bugs , etc. >Could not find any bugs and there were no obvious others problems ... the >position just kills the node count. >Analysed it with other engines and most if not all had similar problems. > >I have not done an actual position analysis of the position with a strong player >(that is tactics , positional aspects , etc - just analysed the stats that my >engine dumps for this pos). > >Any comments ? It seems check related. Altough XiniX doesn't explode, it doesn't get very deep either. 5% of all moves give a checkextension, 5% off all checks give a single reply extension. Effective branching factor stays below 3 however and first fail high stays above 95% Tony > >Thanks, >Mridul
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