Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Roger Brown

Date: 20:22:37 09/04/05

Go up one level in this thread

>As far as i know there are 4 gui's to choose from, if you want to have to
>opportunity to run tournaments and/or engine matches, including UCI engines:
>Chessmaster (only WB engines though)

Hello Jonas

You neglected to mention:

Lokasoft's Chesspartner interface
Convekta's Chess Assistant interface
Shredder Classic
Winboard, my interface of choice actually.

There might be others in the gui universe I have not experimented with yet.

>This is all yankee doodle dandy as long as you realize that people are different
>from you when it comes to taste and what brings them joy, what is one mans
>equivalent of watching paint dry is another mans amusement park.

Precisely.  Therefore to the author simply writing an engine that can e plugged
conveniently into the gui you or I might use the most - and regard as the
standard - is a boring task.

He would prefer to write a gui that he thinks best complements his engine.

Who am I to say that he is wrong?

The general tone is not one of wait and see but of almost savage ripping.

Let us say that we both go to a motor car dealer.  In light of the rising petrol
prices do we lead a demonstration or a riot outside of the sellers of huge gas
guzzling vehicles?

No.  We simply go down the road to the economy section.

Same here.  No need to demand this or go on and on about it.  Simply talk with
the money when the time comes.

I have found much of the argument that goes on here could be avoided if the
potential buyers simply decided on this issue the same way they decide on any
other economic decision.  Quietly, with their money instead of hurling all sorts
of stuff over the ether.

Present company excluded Jonas.



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