Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: My Footnote As a Former Beta-Tester of ChessBase

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 12:10:48 09/05/05

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* I forgot to add the footnote so here it comes:

Long time ago I was beta-tester of the database program of ChessBase. And I was
highly motivated. I researched all kind of handling of the databases of the
names for instance and the tournament headers. ok, just a small extract of the
whole program. I make a short conclusion. My test results didn't interest M.
Wüllenweber at all. I found out too many problems. CB wasn't interested in
solving these problems because they said, that these problems were singular ones
when a tester like me started to research the program. But for 90% of the users
MY findings were completely uninteresting. that means CB isn't focussing on the
quality of their program as such but on the experience of the average user. And
they must take the ignorance of that user as relatively high!

That was a deception for me because I thought that all faults I had found would
be seaking for my own class as a tester. But to the contrary I became a problem
myself for Wüllenweber because he had no arguments why clear faults wouldn't
find a correction.

thorsten, here you can see the whole philosophy of engineers. they have a
limited goal and they seek a practical solution. what they do not seek is the
scientifically optimal solution. with such a limitation you could never become a
chess champion. as I stated more than once a real champion would try to solve a
chess position as such although he's not stupid and knows exactly that he could
also win the game against a special opponent if he wouldn't solve the problem
with maximal exactness. but he has the ethical idea towards chess that he's
seeking for his best possible solution at the moment in time. this is what you
miss completely if you turn your back on chess players. at least a chess genius
will always seek the optimal solution.

chess programmers or operators will only seek a solution for the next gamble
with the actually possible fakes out of opening books and tables. there is no
respect towards chess and its history and its rules. remember Jonny author who
is himself a master player? he betrayed the rules of chess and gave SHREDDER and
SMK a point. this is what computerchess in ICGA has made out of honest people.

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