Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: powerful companies - Where is the point for active chessplayers??

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 11:49:08 09/05/05

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On September 05, 2005 at 12:57:14, Thorsten Czub wrote:

>even when stefan meyer kahlen loses with shredder, he is still a very high
>accepted social member of the group because of his social behaviour.
>they like him because he is NOT the type of guy kasparov is.
>computerchess is IMO better then human chess concerning the content.
>it gives more information.
>and makes chess more interesting.


the quality of your arguments is very high although I dont agree with all of
them. it's fun reading reading such a message. since I understood what you
wanted to say let me just take the most important aspect to clarify where you
were wrong IMO.

to compare stefan with kasparov is a joke from your side because not stefan is
Wch but SHREDDER. while kasparov is a real chess champion. also I doubt very
much that you can talk with SMK about the details of his programming. but the
private life of programmers isn't interesting at all. I see his friendliness as
the same of voyagers during a long-distance flight or in a train. the voyage is
the main thing and the passing of the time is the united task - this is the
reason for the general friendliness during a CC tournament which you enjoy so
much. but I doubt that any of the programmers from Lang to SMK are really
interested in you and your tests. you are just one of hundreds of beta-testers.
[* see footnote below]

I for one always saw a big problem in the exploitation of young beta-testers by
chess programmers with exception of Bob Hyatt. like you they have much spare
time to give and they are seeking for dedications with sense. but they never get
into the heart of the programming itself. you were the exception in CSTal
because ChrisW was on his retreat without motivation to do something, but this
is really the exception when you could feel yourself as the driving force. also
with DEO (REBEL) you had a similar experience because Ed Schroder was lost - you
didn't even know if he was still living in Europe. :)

the whole attitude of the important people became visible in Paris in 1997. it
was YOU with your cell-phone who informed us about the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. the
main figures would also be content if we in the internet would get no
informations at all. this is as if you were a groupie of a heavy metal band and
you would be on tour through the USA and except the audience in the halls nobody
heard something of the music. and then you make a record. the atmosphere in ICGA
is absolutely crazy. they are trying to substantiate their own importance
through the way they hold their tournaments as if they could ignore the actual
possibilities through only games. and by not informing the audience in the net
they say "tournaments like that are alive and you must travel around the world
to be a spectator - then you get the informations". if the ICGA people had lived
in the Middle Ages we would never have got the art of bookprinting because they
would have argued that this should remain a domain for the monks in monastries
and their handwriting art.

it is a pity that you once began to seek friendship among chessprogrammers or
operators because the art of chess is NOT of interest in their mind.

I'm addicted to chess and through science I'm also interested in computerchess
as a part of computer sciences. but I'm too old to become a groupie of engineers
of bridges or chess programs.

My experience is also heavily shattered by the way the Deep Blue 2 team treated
Kasparov as a chess champion. there I could see and read online and live with
how much contempt these engineers look down on mere chess genius. oh my god! and
you want to become friend with such people? poor thorsten.

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