Author: Madhavan
Date: 23:23:02 09/05/05
Go up one level in this thread
On September 05, 2005 at 16:46:55, Vincent Diepeveen wrote: >On September 05, 2005 at 01:24:56, Sandro Necchi wrote: > >>It seems you forget one thing: >> >>with so many products available the customers can and want to chose what they >>like, so it is not time anymore to impose a product, but to find out what people >>want and make that available. >> >>So, do you call hypocrites givin good suggestions? >> >>Pls. make up your minds before insulting people that like giving good >>suggestions. >> >>Sandro > >Stefan and you should conclude that from commercial viewpoint your UCI idea has >failed for shredder classic sales. How do you know? >Probably within a few weeks after release i outsell shredder classic sales (with >either diep3d or zappa, whatever releases first). WOW!It's against other commerical program,can the DIEP get the offer from chessbase? DIEP can't get any offer from chessbase doesn't mean Chessbase sucks >So being 'compatible' with fritz didn't bring much cash in the pocket for >shredder, if a new product like diep3d, within a few weeks can sell more >copies. Shredder sold by shredderclassic and from chessbase sure had a lot of cash. Chessmaster 8000 doesn't have direct UCI,It supports only Xboard.I'm a bit surprised by Chessmaster's popularity among the customers >The conclusion is obvious that the average person who has no idea about >protocols, they just care for results. If Fritz can each new version have new >'bugs' in the GUI that just lose you points, then the customer dislikes buying >your product "because it sucks". Fritz sold from Viva media was very demanding. >If then a few nerds who reacted here that you should simply do and eat what >chessbase is doing, then GCP has all right to call them Hypocrites. you can criticise all you want.Lets see how your GUI gets feedback from the customers You need commercial popularity,Vincent and not convincing only CCC people.There are very less members here anyway. I agree with your idea that engine should be released as a stand alone and should not support any protocol,that's what Johan did. Get the contract from UBISOft or EA sports >It is time for you and Stefan to draw conclusions with respect to being >compatible and running under Fritz IMHO, instead of criticizing a decision, that >in diep3d we can load uci engines, without trying to cripple engines from other >programmers. I have never even heard of DIEP 3d GUI,Let's see whatits made of >You can keep of course your eyes closed forever, but to quote GCP in a >conversation i once had: >1 producent == interface monopolie == engine programmeurs de kneus >translation: (1 company == interface monopoly == engine programmers get dicked) > >Actively supporting that monopoly i definitely underline the opinion from GCP. > >Vincent
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