Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Zheng Zhixian

Date: 04:27:45 09/07/05

Go up one level in this thread

On September 05, 2005 at 21:56:23, Fernando Villegas wrote:

>On September 05, 2005 at 21:38:04, Zheng Zhixian wrote:
>>On September 05, 2005 at 18:47:24, Fernando Villegas wrote:

>>Neither am I. I just notice your fustration (which you usually mask with humor
>>), that people on this forum are generally interested in things like running
>>engine versus engine matches, running chess problems through their engines,
>>while you are not. How dare they fill this forum with such trash!
>No my friend, not an atom of bad feelings about that. The things amazes me a
>bit, but it does not frustrate me.

If you say so.

>>But then again, this isn't a normal forum for just chessplayers! The origins of
>>computer chess has always being grounded on interest in the performance of AI.
>>To mock people in a computer chess forum with such interests seems unfair.
>No. I do not mock of nobody. The only systematic target of my mockery is me,
>myself. I just always try to perform a  soft, not personal humor.

If you say so. But if you at least go away with the understanding of why the
people here are obsessed with engine strength, and find them less "weird", my
job is done.

>>>So I do not care if Zappa comes or not with a facility to play engines Vs
>>>engines, But I would care if in order to satisfy that demand zappa would come as
>>>a stand alone engine, ready to be plugged to the eternal CB o Arena gui.
>>>So Zappa with or without UCi is not my business, but Zappa alone to play as UCI
>>>in another gui IS my business.
>>Well surely you agree that even for those asking for UCI implementation, they
>>are not against a new GUI (whose existence is already assured),  so their wishes
>>do not run counter to yours.
>Of course not, as I said.
>>But that's just dodging the issue.
>>Correct me if I'm wrong, but you do seem bitter that the rise of Winboard/UCI
>>means that it is now possible that engines can be shipped without GUI correct?
>>If you had a time travelling machine, you would go back in time and wipe out the
>>people who came with these ideas to ensure that they never existed :)
>Neither this. I just hope to see new guis, that´s all.

Which explains why you are so involved in the current debate about whether Zappa
should support UCI _ON TOP_ of vinent's GUI right? :)

>>>I told before. Because a pretty new gui approach the user to the experience of a
>>>dedicated unit, at last for a time. Don't you like novelties?
>>In somethings yes. But from the view point of computer chess, where the main
>>focus has generally being on improving chess strenght, no. The GUI is incidental
>>most of the time.
>Not for me. I am tempted to say the engine is the incidental part because any of
>them defeat me badly...

Sure, we already established that. I find that weird.

>Well, my very bst

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