Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: I will not buy Zappa and Sjeng on a loo

Author: Rolf Tueschen

Date: 10:22:31 09/07/05

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but this is because Bob wouldn't buy commercial chessprograms at all. - let me
just add a few thoughts. I think that nobody could be happy if some new ideas
get crushed. second. if VD had something good to create I would be the last to
combine it with his messages of a decade. but it's a fact that VD always talked
with big mouth but never succeeded with a single product. that makes things a
bit more complicated. and afterwards he never said "oh excuse me I was wrong".
no, soon he appears with the next hoax. - it would be nice if as many as
possible could make profit in our field, but this is impossible without respect
for marketing laws. The last insulting of the public I saw became famous in a
theater piece by German writing author Handke. Again, this was art. - But then.
Also Zappa said "F*** you all!" and he was sitting on a loo. :)

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