Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Corr Game 3: Hydra Scylla vs. Nickel, Arno 1/2 (PGN

Author: Uri Blass

Date: 10:21:32 12/16/05

Go up one level in this thread

On December 16, 2005 at 11:50:06, Chrilly Donninger wrote:

>>Are now the Computer Chess Programs strong like corr chess GMs? I seems YES!
>I think in general strong Correspondence GMs like Arno Nickel are still better.
>But we do our best to catch up. I have made the evaluation aggressive to
>increase the tactical complications. This works quite well in tournaments but
>not in correspondence chess.
>Rybka will also help in this process, because there is now a sparring partner
>available who plays different to the rest. There is now less imbreeding (I hope
>that Rybka stays different).
>Rybka sparring: I had yesterday a funny match with 2 underpromotions in 1 game.
>I always thought that underpromotion happens only in studies, but not in real
>games. I was considering in the past to remove underpromotions within the search
>and allow it just on the root. But its obviously not a good idea. One can not
>only learn from the strong but also from the bad features of others.

I disagree that in general strong Correspondence GMs like Arno Nickel are still

top programs already beated GM nickel 3.5-2.5 in correspondence games.

I believe that top chess programs can get the GM title in correspondence games
and I will not be surprised if hydra also can get it(I do not know if it is
stronger or weaker than other programs in correspondence games).


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