Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Shredder 9

Author: Alex Shalamanov

Date: 05:31:03 12/26/05

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On December 26, 2005 at 07:23:59, Joseph Ciarrochi wrote:

>But rybka, fruit and fritz are better than shredder 9 on a single processor.
>Indeed, despite its wonderful endgame, shredder 9 no longer seems to even be in
>the top 5, and is probably no better than the top free chess engine (toga 1.1).
>Oh, how far the king has fallen

I have all those engines (rybka, fruit, fritz) and some others to compare.
However, at longer time controls they're more or less the same with Shredder and
Rybka being more accurate, perhaps. Oh, btw, OTB GMs or IM in Russia prefer to
use Fritz for the analysis purpose, because it produces more
adequate output.


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