Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Some crazy ideas

Author: Dave Gomboc

Date: 03:55:04 03/31/99

Go up one level in this thread

On March 30, 1999 at 05:23:21, Gareth McCaughan wrote:

>[Dan Andersson:]
>> It sounds like a variation of conspiracy numbers search.
>Sort of. It looks simpler than CN search to me, and maybe a little more
>human-like. Again, being human-like may be a bad thing in view of the
>fact that no one has ever (so far as I know) produced a really good
>computer chess program that thinks even slightly like a human does.
>Incidentally, I suggest the following helpful metaphor for variable-depth
>searches of the kind I proposed: the machine isn't searching each line to
>a fixed depth, it's searching each line until it gets bored. Moves that
>appear less good bore it more... :-)

Have you checked out "Search Control Methods in Deep Blue"? (Campbell, Hoane,
Hsu 1999).  There wasn't enough "hard data" for my liking, but the discussion
was good.

Dave Gomboc

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