Author: Rolf Tueschen
Date: 06:36:48 02/22/06
It was interesting to read the many comments on my _report_ [not novel or lyric] about the clear win of FRITZ over RYBKA 13b in the CSS Online Masters. For the first time one of the classic professionals brought to an abrupt halt the overwhelming success of Rybka since Dec 2005. What is the situation? What does this show to the knowing expert? It proves something what is always completely ignored. That it's showing a faulty picture if people just let autoplay some engines. The pretended objectivity of such little tournaments is in reality a forging of reality. Because chess isnt something automatical. What in human chess is the will of the player that is in computerchess the talent and motivation of the operator. Without the care of the operator a program cant play its best chess. Also it makes absolutely no sense to play two engines on a single computer machine. Because that rips all of the best in chess off the player. Pondering off, PB off. Arrghh! - All this is as if you would hold a Grand Prix of F1 in a small garage and where you compare and compeat the accustic roar of the motors to claim the new winner. Of course this would be seen as the invention of a manical psychopath. Autoplayed engine tournament on a single PC isnt that different... Sorry folks. The result of the CSS Online Masters, altough belittled by the many Rybka fans, proves without a doubt that Rybka isnt flying high over the clouds while all others must crawl deep in mole hills. Not at all. Chrilly already published the main point months ago. The special and new pawn advancer code is worth around 80 Elo points. Period. To prove this you dont need hundreds of autoplayed "tournaments". Chrilly knew it from the code and a single game Zappa vs Rybka from Paderborn. And for this pawn-pusher-turbo against completely unaware competition the freaks paid 34 € until May 2006. So, to enjoy a special turbo advantage they paid 34€ for 4 months. (102 € a year!) (Nobody seems to care of what will happen if the first competitors add something in their code.) Fritz (with operator) vs Rybka (with operator) 3-1! In the final of a long tournament without autoplayer routine. Do you prefer Rybka cooked or fried? 34 €..../person.
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