Author: Chris Fieberg
Date: 14:32:08 02/22/06
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On February 22, 2006 at 09:36:48, Rolf Tueschen wrote: >What is the situation? Rybka lost in the final. Fritz won. If this was an Olympic final Fritz won the Gold medal and Rybak won the Silver medal. I had expected Rybka to be the winner. >What does this show to the knowing expert? Shit happens. >The result of the CSS Online Masters, altough belittled by the many Rybka >fans, proves without a doubt that Rybka isnt flying high over the clouds >while all others must crawl deep in mole hills. Not at all. Rybka is even able to lose several games (out of 200) against Doctor? 3.0. Here an example from a 5 minute blitz game where Rybka had no chance. The pawn-pushing moves 13.-h4 and 19.-a5 were desastrous. Rybka lost both pawns (15.gxh4 and 26.Qxa4) without compensation - look at the increase in the evaluation of Doctor? 3.0. Doctor? 3.0 - Rybka 1.0 Beta 32-bit [E15] Pentium IV, Blitz:5' Pentium IV, 2 GHz (68), 10.12.2005 [0.04;0.06] W=14.8 ply; 126kN/s B=9.6 ply; 32kN/s 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 b6 4.g3 Ba6 5.b3 Bb4+ 6.Bd2 Be7 7.Bg2 c6 8.Bc3 d5 9.Nbd2 Nbd7 10.0-0 0-0 11.Rc1 Beide letzter Buchzug 11...Qc7 0.06/9 9 12.Ne1 (Te1) 0.04/17 10 12...h5 (dxc4) 0.04/9 7 13.Nd3 0.26/17 9 h4 (La3) 0.04/9 11 14.e3 (Dc2) 0.20/15 7 14...Rfe8 (La3) 0.05/8 7 15.gxh4 (De2) 0.55/16 6 15...Rab8 (dxc4) 0.02/9 13 16.Bb2 (Df3) 0.55/16 9 16...Bd6 0.05/9 10 17.f4 0.61/17 8 Rbd8 (Db7) 0.08/8 6 18.b4 (h5) 0.65/16 10 18...Bb7 (Db7) 0.06/9 8 19.Qb3 (De2) 0.66/15 5 19...a5 (Tc8) 0.07/8 7 20.bxa5 0.76/16 8 bxa5 0.12/9 2 21.Ba3 0.81/16 9 Rb8 0.18/10 6 22.Bxd6 0.76/16 9 Qxd6 0.24/10 2 23.Qc3 (Lf3) 0.76/15 5 23...Qc7 0.28/9 9 24.Ne5 (Lf3) 0.84/16 8 24...a4 (Tbd8) 0.26/8 4 25.Qb4 (Da3) 0.90/14 6 25...c5 (Ta8) 0.29/9 5 26.Qxa4 1.50/14 8 Nxe5 (Ta8) 0.52/9 9 27.fxe5 1.63/14 5 Bc6 (Se4) 0.86/9 4 28.Qd1 (Dc2) 1.72/15 5 28...Nd7 0.91/9 1 29.cxd5 1.70/13 5 exd5 1.06/9 1 30.e4 1.71/13 4 Bb5 0.89/9 3 31.Rf2 1.73/14 6 Qa7 0.91/9 3 32.Qh5 1.91/12 4 g6 1.01/9 3 33.Qf3 1.78/14 3 Re7 1.03/9 2 34.exd5 (e6) 1.54/13 4 34...cxd4 1.50/9 3 35.d6 (e6) 1.54/13 6 35...Nxe5 1.36/8 1 36.Qd5 (Dg3) 1.80/13 3 36...Re6 1.27/9 3 37.Rc7 (Lh3) 1.80/12 4 37...Qa3 (Db6) 4.00/9 9 38.Rcxf7 3.72/12 3 Rbe8 (Dc1+) 4.75/9 5 39.Rf8+ 4.97/12 2 Kg7 (Txf8) 5.58/11 9 40.Rxe8 5.50/12 3 Rxe8 (Dc1+) 5.75/11 4 41.Qxb5 6.20/12 2 Qc1+ 7.85/11 6 42.Nf1 7.06/13 2 Qc8 7.92/11 3 43.Re2 7.01/13 4 Kf6 (Sd7) 8.02/10 3 44.Qb6 8.19/12 4 1-0 Nevertheless Rybka is my favourite engine and it flies pretty high.
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