Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: rotated bitboards obsolete?

Author: Tony Werten

Date: 13:55:06 03/03/06

Go up one level in this thread

On March 03, 2006 at 13:34:56, Gerd Isenberg wrote:

>>I can confirm your findings. There are a few points however.
>>I couldn't get your values to work, in a few cases the magic number seemed to
>>map different bitboards to the same index.
>Back home i double checked it and found no error so far, i also report the
>number of possible states (1,2,4,8,16,32,64) - all unique indices.
>Do we have the same square mapping?

No. I didn't realize that...

I have the diagonals "padded" to 8 bytes.
So: {a1-h8,a2-g8+h1,a3-f8+g1-h2,...}

My thought was that I only needed 1 mask (a1-h8) and just shift it up or down,
which means the "wrong" bits would fall off.

>>I then run the deBruijn generator myself, to get stuck on 40 values or so, for
>>wich it couldn't get a magic number.
>Ok, i told something from modified De Bruijns, but i didn't post the exact way i
>modify them. You are right - the pure De Bruijns are not sufficent for all rays.
>Here some more code snippets i use,
>32-bit release run takes 13 minutes on my box:
>void DBG::deBruijnFound(BitBoard deBruijn) const
>  BitBoard ray;
>  for (int x = 0; x < 11; x++) {
>    for (int sq=0; sq < 64; sq++) {
>      for (int dir=0; dir < 4; dir++) {
>        if (notAllreadyFound(sq, dir) {
>          int count = checkMagicNumber(deBruijn, sq, dir, ray);
>          if ( count >= 0 ) {
>            // store and report found magic
>          }
>        }
>      }
>    } // sq
>    dB -= 0x0005012000030104; // some "random" const
>  } // x
>// return: number of found states
>//         or -1 if failed
>int checkMagicNumber(BitBoard deBruijn, int sq, int dir, BitBoard &d)
>  static BitBoard notBoarder[4] = {
>       0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00, // noEast-soWest
>       0x007e7e7e7e7e7e00, // soEast-noWest
>       0x00ffffffffffff00, // _north-_south
>       0x7e7e7e7e7e7e7e7e  // _east_-_west_
>  };
>  static BitBoard one = 1;
>  int count = 0;
>  BitBoard t = 0;
>  d = attackGetter[dir](one<<sq) & notBoarder[dir];
>  clearLocks();
>  do {
>    unsigned int idx = (unsigned int)((t * dB) >> (64 - 6));
>    if ( locked(idx) ) return -1;
>    lock (idx);
>    count++;
>    t = (t-d) & d;
>  } while (t);
>  assert ( count == (1 << popCount(d)) );
>  return count;

OK, try removing the loop (for (int x = 0; x < 11; x++) ) with the
0x0005012000030104 constant addition, and just pump in random numbers. XiniX
needed 30 secs. "Lock" in XiniX is just defined as:
check|=1<<idx and "locked" as: if (check & (1<<idx)) but that's because I knew I
was looking for (idx<64)


PS I have actually used larger masks in some cases (including the border as long
as they aren't >6 bits) to get more information for a movecount table. That way
I get mobility_free_squares for free, only on the full ranks (7 moves) it might
be off by 1.

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