Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: rotated bitboards obsolete?

Author: Gerd Isenberg

Date: 14:39:54 03/03/06

Go up one level in this thread

>OK, try removing the loop (for (int x = 0; x < 11; x++) ) with the
>0x0005012000030104 constant addition, and just pump in random numbers. XiniX
>needed 30 secs. "Lock" in XiniX is just defined as:
>check|=1<<idx and "locked" as: if (check &#38; (1<<idx)) but that's because I knew I
>was looking for (idx<64)

Yep, 8 seconds with the mersenne twister...

>PS I have actually used larger masks in some cases (including the border as long
>as they aren't >6 bits) to get more information for a movecount table. That way
>I get mobility_free_squares for free, only on the full ranks (7 moves) it might
>be off by 1.

hmm... don't get that exactly.
May be i should take a small break from that stuff ;-)

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