Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: It figured. D E L E T E

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 12:28:04 03/08/06

Go up one level in this thread

On March 08, 2006 at 11:18:19, Wayne Lowrance wrote:

>On March 08, 2006 at 05:59:07, Evgenii Manev wrote:
>>On March 07, 2006 at 20:29:24, George Speight wrote:
>>>I think i should add here that Vas has told me that he thinks Peter, Graham and
>>>Hyatt are all good moderators and he has no problem with any of them. I can say
>>>with honesty that in all our mails back and forth he has  NOT MADE ONE
>>>derogatory comment about anyone. He seems to be quick to look for the good in
>>>people first. A mark of character to me. He reminds me a lot of Graham in that
>>>respect.   Regards, George
>>hi all
>>it seems (I can state it from posts here in CCC - I ain't commercail Rybka user)
>>that Vasik is nice person. In the other hand, moderators do their hard job
>>properly. So -- I can't see any problem here?
>>(just my 2cents - banning Rolf just because of other member's complaining
>>against his manner of thinking was not so nessessarily, but - that's completely
>>other story:) )
>>Best regards,
>I read the responses this morning in LA 8:00 AM. One particuliar post was
>deleted at least I could not find it the next day. If it was not  deleted then
>what happenedl to it. I was very careful in scanning thru. Does not change the
>main feeling I have here that Vas is treated poorly here. Their have been
>complaints about his posting now for at least a month. I have had my say, thank

I think that if you would look back, read carefully, and give some thought to
what has happened, you might find that your statement "vas was treated poorly
here.  ....  complaints about his posting now for at least a month..."  Is
simply _wrong_.

Vas has _never_ been "the problem" here.  Posts about Rybka _have_ been a
problem, have caused lots of complaints, and have saturated this message board
with one topic, when such could be much better done on a dedicated to Rybka web
site instead.

The complaints have been about the rather ridiculous number of Rybka posts that
happen to pop up, particularly about topics that are not "computer chess" at
all.  For example, the inability to order something from a free email account.
Or beta test results.  Etc.

I get the idea that you don't think much of the current group of moderators,
which is fine.  However, we were elected to do a task for the majority of
members, and we try to do what the members seem to want done.  If a minority
want to leave because of that, that's how democracy works.

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