Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: regular hash key & pawn hash key together--good idea?

Author: Bruce Moreland

Date: 09:34:05 09/16/99

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On September 16, 1999 at 04:00:43, Tom Kerrigan wrote:

>If you have a program with 64 bit hash keys, is it a good idea to devote n bits
>to pawns and the rest to pieces and side-to-move?
>I was thinking a good balance may be 24 bits for pawns, but I have no data to
>back this up. Does anybody else?

I think it is a very interesting idea.  If you want to research it to see how
interesting, here is what I suggest:

Modify your current program so that it detects hash collisions accurately and
run it overnight on something like ECM, counting hash collisions and pawn hash

Do your new pawn hash thing and run the same overnight test, counting hash
collisions and pawn hash collisions.

If the numbers are similar, write the whole thing up and send it to the ICCAJ.

You get published, which you can put on your resume, and we get a new technique
and a practical article in the ICCAJ.


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