Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: regular hash key & pawn hash key together--good idea?

Author: Tom Kerrigan

Date: 00:04:07 09/17/99

Go up one level in this thread

That's actually what I was going to do if nobody else was doing this. And it
looks like nobody else is...


On September 16, 1999 at 12:34:05, Bruce Moreland wrote:

>On September 16, 1999 at 04:00:43, Tom Kerrigan wrote:
>>If you have a program with 64 bit hash keys, is it a good idea to devote n bits
>>to pawns and the rest to pieces and side-to-move?
>>I was thinking a good balance may be 24 bits for pawns, but I have no data to
>>back this up. Does anybody else?
>I think it is a very interesting idea.  If you want to research it to see how
>interesting, here is what I suggest:
>Modify your current program so that it detects hash collisions accurately and
>run it overnight on something like ECM, counting hash collisions and pawn hash
>Do your new pawn hash thing and run the same overnight test, counting hash
>collisions and pawn hash collisions.
>If the numbers are similar, write the whole thing up and send it to the ICCAJ.
>You get published, which you can put on your resume, and we get a new technique
>and a practical article in the ICCAJ.

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