Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 10:56:46 07/17/00
Go up one level in this thread
On July 17, 2000 at 13:40:28, Tom Kerrigan wrote: >I've had a number of requests to implement 3-fold repetition detection in TSCP. >It's also clear that TSCP would do better in tournaments (although that isn't >the goal...) if it could detect these draws. > >So the question is, is there an easy way to do the detection? > >In my "strong" program, I just compare hash keys. But TSCP doesn't keep hash >keys and I have no intention for it to do so. So is there another way to do it? > >Thanks in advance. Just keep an ordered list of the actual EPD positions as the game moves along. If you see one occur twice, increment a counter. If you see it three times -- draw. Since there are going to be less than a thousand positions during a game, the storage cost will be very small, especially if you keep them in binary format. When you insert a new element, the counter is one. Pretty easy. You could use and EPD bolt-on like the one on my ftp site which will keep your part of the code simple, but requires a C++ compiler. You could retain a C interface to the C++ functions by doing extern "C" {} wrappers.
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