Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: The marvelous showing of GnuChess at CCT3

Author: Mogens Larsen

Date: 15:43:07 05/28/01

Go up one level in this thread

On May 28, 2001 at 17:49:35, Chris King wrote:

>Since throwing it's hat in with the "Evil Empire" Shredder has gone from winning
>world championships to finishing 13th (behind Gnuchess), in a tournament where
>some of the top programs were not even participating.
>Spooky or what!

That thought crossed my mind as well. The end of a winning streak when joining
the dark side of the force. It would be cool if the moves were announced by
James Earl Jones with Shredder 5.32. Not that Karpov is bad, he's just a tad on
the slow side. I'm checkmated before he's finished saying: "(silence for a
while) Pawn! c7 c5".


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