Author: Dann Corbit
Date: 16:44:16 05/28/01
Go up one level in this thread
On May 28, 2001 at 18:43:07, Mogens Larsen wrote: >On May 28, 2001 at 17:49:35, Chris King wrote: > >>Since throwing it's hat in with the "Evil Empire" Shredder has gone from winning >>world championships to finishing 13th (behind Gnuchess), in a tournament where >>some of the top programs were not even participating. >>Spooky or what! > >That thought crossed my mind as well. The end of a winning streak when joining >the dark side of the force. It would be cool if the moves were announced by >James Earl Jones with Shredder 5.32. Not that Karpov is bad, he's just a tad on >the slow side. I'm checkmated before he's finished saying: "(silence for a >while) Pawn! c7 c5". With 5 games, any program has a very serious chance to win, give that it is within 100 ELO.
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