Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Fine 70 same 7 engines

Author: Peter Fendrich

Date: 09:02:52 09/06/01

Go up one level in this thread

On September 06, 2001 at 10:21:40, Robert Hyatt wrote:

>On September 06, 2001 at 06:12:16, Odd Gunnar Malin wrote:
>>I was pondering with this strange results from Tiger and Wilhelm and (and my
>>engine :) ).
>>There is other possibilities for long search time (many nodes) before the score
>>change. If you don't save hash when depth=0, eg. after returning from qsearch
>>you get such results ( I don't save hash in qsearch).
>>From my engine: (score change from 140 to 226)
>>hash save when depth=0 -> 430k nodes
>>no hashing when depth=0 -> 8731k nodes
>>Odd Gunnar Malin
>I don't hash in the q-search either.  However, fine70 runs better with poor
>move ordering, due to hash grafting.  If you search the best move first at
>every node, this takes 26 plies to solve, IIRC.  If your move ordering is
>less than optimal, you require fewer plies to find the correct move (Kb1).
>At ply 26, you should see winning another pawn, for a score of +2 plus whatever
>positional edge you assign for creating a passed pawn.  In a few more plies
>the score should jump yet again... and again...

At ply 25, mine (Terra) jumps up to +3,4. Does that mean less optimal move
ordering? How do you know?
Couldn't it be at some point better move ordering?

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