Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Explosion in WAC 102

Author: Matthias Gemuh

Date: 13:59:04 01/11/02

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On January 11, 2002 at 15:59:12, Martin Giepmans wrote:

>On January 11, 2002 at 15:18:47, David Rasmussen wrote:
>>On January 11, 2002 at 15:12:10, Martin Giepmans wrote:
>>>It's probably one of those small bugs that are so easy to overlook.
>>I don't think it's a bug, I think it is an extension problem. But I could be
>>>There is a pattern: just before ----- (end of iteration?) the count is
>>>way too high. After that (first move of next iteration) it seems ok again.
>>They are way too high because of extension problems, I think.
>>>So first rootmove ok, second and next move probably not. Something wrong
>>>with initialising the extension-counter when returning to the root??
>>I reset the counters before each iteration. It gives me more information.
>I also don't know if it's a bug.
>In my engine I limit the total number of extensions in a line.
>If number of extensions>=C I don't extend anymore.
>Maybe you could try this (for instance with C=10 or C=15) and see what happens?

Such should not be necessary, except bug somewhere.
I find this "Mate in 4" at ply 5 (+5 extensions = 10 ply).
My exts are:
check: +1 ply
2 successive checks: +0.6
promo: +1
good recap: +0.5
mate threat: +1
single move: +0.75
and some more less important ones.

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