Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: the wrong move (with diagram)

Author: Dann Corbit

Date: 13:36:45 01/21/02

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On January 21, 2002 at 16:00:18, K. Burcham wrote:

>the wrong move is 62...Kd5

What is the line to draw or lose for black?

Here is the position after moving Kd5 and analysis by Chess Tiger:

[D]8/1R5P/8/p2k4/4pK2/2p5/8/7r w - - ce -348; acd 15; acs 1; pv Rf7 a4 Rc7 Rh6
Kg5 Rxh7 Rxh7 e3 Rd7+ Ke4 Re7+ Kf3 Rf7+ Kg2 Kh4 e2 Re7 Kf2 Rf7+;|Rb7f7

and Yace says this:
8/1R5P/8/p2k4/4pK2/2p5/8/7r w - - c0 "after Kd5";
Stored 8 learned positions into hash table
no solutions
usetime = 179.00, mintime = 179.00 maxtime = 179.00 tl 179.00 ml 0
         2   0.001  -3.72  1t  1.h8=Q Rxh8 {-240}
        11   0.001  -1.98  1t  1.Re7 {-160}
        17   0.001  -1.79  1t+ 1.Rd7+ Kc4 {-160}
        46   0.002  -1.68  1t  1.Rd7+ Ke6 {-160}
        75   0.002  -1.68  1.  1.Rd7+ Ke6 {-160}
       172   0.003  -1.95  2t  1.Rd7+ Ke6 2.Rc7 {-160}
       380   0.004  -1.91  2t+ 1.Ra7 e3 {-160}
       439   0.004  -1.89  2t  1.Ra7 Kd4 {-160}
       558   0.005  -1.89  2.  1.Ra7 Kd4 {-160}
      1044   0.006  -1.89  3t  1.Ra7 Rf1+ 2.Ke3 Re1+ 3.Kf4 {-160}
      2735   0.011  -1.89  3.  1.Ra7 Rf1+ 2.Ke3 Re1+ 3.Kf4 {-160}
      4410   0.016  -2.29  4-- 1.Ra7 c2 2.Ke3 c1=Q+ 3.Ke2 {-1081}
      5088   0.019  -2.29  4t  1.Ra7 c2 2.Rxa5+H Kc6H 3.Ra6+H Kb7H 4.h8=QH
                               Rxh8H {-160}
      7314   0.025  -2.27  4t+ 1.Rc7 c2 2.Rxc2 Rh4+ 3.Ke3 Rh3+ 4.Ke2 Rxh7
      7804   0.027  -2.17  4t  1.Rc7 c2 2.Rxc2 Rh4+ 3.Ke3 Rxh7 {-160}
     11123   0.039  -2.17  4.  1.Rc7 c2 2.Rxc2 Rh4+ 3.Ke3 Rxh7 {-160}
     23101   0.071  -2.34  5t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Rd7+ Kc6 3.Re7 c2 4.Re6+ Kc5H {-160}
     58289   0.155  -2.34  5.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Rd7+ Kc6 3.Re7 c2 4.Re6+ Kc5 {-160}
     69008   0.206  -2.25  6t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Ke5 {-160}
    103171   0.275  -2.25  6.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Ke5 {-160}
    129709   0.343  -2.23  7t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Re7 Rf1+ 5.Ke6
    206191   0.521  -2.23  7.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Re7 Rf1+ 5.Ke6
    292205   0.767  -2.44  8t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Kf4 c2 4.Rd7+ Kc4 5.Rc7+
                               Kd3 6.Rd7+ Ke2H {-160}
    564606   1.602  -2.44  8.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Kf4 c2 4.Rd7+ Kc4 5.Rc7+
                               Kd3 6.Rd7+ Ke2 {-160}
    703576   1.990  -2.46  9t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Rc7 c2H 5.Rxc2H
                               Rxh7H 6.Rc3+H Kd4H {-160}
   1094564   3.047  -2.46  9.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kf5 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Ke3 4.Rc7 c2 5.Rxc2
                               Rxh7 6.Rc3+ Kd4 {-160}
   1949026   5.372  -2.65 10t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kg3 c2 3.Rxc2 Rxh7 4.Ra2 Rg7+ 5.Kf2
                               Rg4 6.Rd2+ Ke5 7.Ke3H a3H {-160}
   3218107   9.286  -2.64 10t+ 1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 c1=Q+ 7.Rxc1 Rxc1 8.h8=Q e3
   3691777  10.378  -2.55 10t  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Ke5 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Kd3
                               9.Rc8H Rh5+H 10.Kf4H Rh4+H 11.Kg5H Rh3H {-160}
   4033991  11.433  -2.55 10.  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Ke5 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Kd3
                               9.Rc8 Rh5+ 10.Kf4 Rh4+ 11.Kg5 Rh3 {-160}
   6173830  17.213  -2.59 11t  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Ke5 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Kd3
                               9.Rc8 Rh5+ 10.Kd6 e3H {-160}
   8261631  24.309  -2.59 11.  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Ke5 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Kd3
                               9.Rc8 Rh5+ 10.Kd6 e3 {-160}
  12276628  36.150  -2.61 12t  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Kg3 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Ke3H
  14111865  41.016  -2.60 12t+ 1.Rc7 a4
  15334905  44.551  -2.61 12t- 1.Rc7 a4 2.Kg3 c2 3.Rxc2 Rxh7 4.Ra2 Ra7 5.Rd2+
                               Kc4 6.Kf4 Re7 7.Rc2+ Kd3 8.Ra2 Ra7 9.Ra3+H Kd4H
                               10.Rb3H {HT}
  15334905  44.551  -2.61 12t  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Kg3 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Ke3
  19233782  59.351  -2.61 12.  1.Rb5+ Kd4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rd7+ Kc3 4.Rc7+ Kd2
                               5.Rd7+ Ke2 6.Rc7 Rh4+ 7.Kg3 Rxh7 8.Rxc2+ Ke3
  37055081  1:51.3  -2.64 13t  1.Rb5+ Kc4 2.Rb7 c2 3.Rc7+ Kd3 4.Rd7+ Ke2 5.Rc7
                               e3 6.Rxc2+ Kd3 7.Rc8 Rxh7 8.Rd8+ Ke2H 9.Ke5H
  38002850  1:55.2  -2.63 13t+ 1.Rc7 a4
  42957811  2:11.1  -2.59 13t  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kg3 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Kc4 4.Rc7+ Kb3
                               5.Rb7+H Ka3H 6.Rc7H c2H 7.Rxc2H Rxh7H 8.Rc3+H
                               Kb4H 9.Rc6H Rf7H 10.Rb6+H Kc4H 11.Rb1H Kd3H
                               12.Ra1H Ra7H 13.Kh4H {HT}
  50769194  2:43.7  -2.59 13.  1.Rc7 a4 2.Kg3 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Kc4 4.Rc7+ Kb3 5.Rb7+
                               Ka3 6.Rc7 c2 7.Rxc2 Rxh7 8.Rc3+ Kb4 9.Rc6 Rf7
                               10.Rb6+ Kc4 11.Rb1 Kd3 12.Ra1 Ra7 13.Kh4
  55094414  2:58.9  -2.59 13f. 1.Rc7 a4 2.Kg3 Kd4 3.Rd7+ Kc4 4.Rc7+ Kb3 5.Rb7+
                               Ka3 6.Rc7 c2 7.Rxc2 Rxh7 8.Rc3+ Kb4 9.Rc6 Rf7
                               10.Rb6+ Kc4 11.Rb1 Kd3 12.Ra1 Ra7 13.Kh4
55094414 Nodes, 10.09% Leavenodes, 307804 Nodes/sec
24636821 eval, 95.41% score, 270056204 genmoves, 2.63% captures le 233/690
ext: pawn 279319, rcp 99722, chk 3972849, repchk 68769, null 7996, prune 2486902
htable: 34007367 store, 0 rejected, 54968066 probe, 57.9% f/p, 93.6% f/s
entries 24999999 age 0 renew 0
egtb probes 25136, found 25136 max_depth 32

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Last modified: Thu, 15 Apr 21 08:11:13 -0700

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