Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Checks in the Qsearch

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 11:29:17 07/03/02

Go up one level in this thread

On July 03, 2002 at 13:46:17, Christophe Theron wrote:

>On July 02, 2002 at 20:20:37, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>>On July 02, 2002 at 18:54:49, Keith Evans wrote:
>>>Sorry to be anal retentive, but that's a bit of a stretch. Here's what they say:
>>>"The chess chips optionally support the use of an external FPGA (Field
>>>Programmable Gate Array) to provide access to an external transposition table,
>>>more complicated search control, and additional terms for the evaluation
>>>function. In theory this mechanism would have allowed the hardware search to
>>>approach the efficiency and complexity of the software search. Null move search
>>>was also explicitly supported by this method. Due to time constraints, this
>>>capability was never used in Deep Blue."
>>Read on.  On page 67, section 4.1, item 3, "mate threat".
>>"It is relatively simple using a null move search to detect if there is a
>>threat in the current position....  The Deep Blue implementation ...
>>Which matches what I said.  They had support for a normal null-move search
>>had they wanted to use it, but they did use null-move to detect threats,
>>something that has been done before (and several of us use a form of mate
>>threat extension based on this idea presently).
>>So they used null-move in at least one way, without using it as a forward
>>pruning algorithm, which fits with Hsu's "no errors in the search" theme he
>>mentioned repeatedly over the years.  Extra extensions were one thing to him,
>>but outright errors were something else not to be tolerated.  Right or wrong.
>>I obviously disagree about the errors in a normal null-move search, but I
>>can hardly argue with their success...
>That's my point as well.
>I don't argue about their success.
>I'm just saying that they succeeded because their chips were very fast. So fast
>that they allowed them to use inferior search techniques and still succeed.

Could you not make the _same_ statement about chess 4.0 in 1975?  Until that
point _everybody_ was doing forward pruning like mad.  They discovered that a
a shallower full-width search had fewer errors and they stomped everybody into
the ground until everyone converted...

was _their_ search "inferior" or just "different"???

>That's why I'm saying that we should not be impressed about all they have done.
>Their search is not at the level of the amateur programs that enter the W(M)CCC
>for example.

Neither is their hardware.  DB is a _total_ package.  You might find out that
your forward pruning hurts rather than helps at the speed and depth they were
capable of reaching...

>    Christophe
>>>As a verification guy my motto is - "If it's untested, then assume it's broken."
>>> If I had been regarded highly enough to review this paper before publication,
>>>then I would have crossed out this paragraph.
>>Wouldn't disagree there.

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