Author: Uri Blass
Date: 13:13:59 07/30/02
Go up one level in this thread
On July 30, 2002 at 15:52:18, Ren Wu wrote: >On July 30, 2002 at 09:57:03, Vincent Diepeveen wrote: > >>On July 30, 2002 at 05:57:38, Omid David wrote: >> >>Competition is strong there, it's not like the tictactoe section >>such as the amazones where everyone who has a bugfree program >>can win easily the gold medal. >> >>I was actually watching a few games there from Tony against one >>of the stronger programs. Chinese chess is running a lot behind >>on how advanced chessprograms are nowadays. > >Obvious this is not true. But it is understandable here. The center stage has >been in mainland china for last few years, and it is hard for westerner to know >what is going on there. It is all in chinese. Take a look at this site > > > >it does have a english version, but unfortunetly very limited, chinese versin >have a lot more news and events there. > >This is the premier site for advanced chinese chess players, include many of the >professional masters and grandmasters. > >My chinese chess program, mrsj, has been playing in that site for some time. It >has set a few records there, and it won twice for its LeiSheng Tournament, and >is the current defending LeiSheng. > >That tournament works like this. Only the top 32 players in the server can >partispate in a 7 round two-games swiss tournament, the first place finisher >then challenge the defending champion. The time control is 30 minutes free time, >then 1 minutes per move. > >From the tournaments, and all other games my program played there, All experts >agreed that mrsj have the proformance of China's group B level. In China, the >natinal individual tournament has been divide to two groups, group A usually >about 24 people, and was the strongest, group B, again from 24-48 people. Giving >the dominence of China at Chinese chess, one can safely guess that my program, >running on a standard pc, was at around world 100th, if not 50th, place. I >don't think that chess program is much advance than that. > >Computer chinese chess is not behind than what computer chess has, not even a >inch. > >Ren. I do not express an opinion about comparing computer chess and computer chinese chess but comparison with humans is not a convincing argument. There are games that you need less effort to be at around 100th in the world. I do not know if chinese chess is one of them. Uri
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