Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Tony Marsland and Chinese Chess in Maastricht (slightly O.T.)

Author: Ren Wu

Date: 12:52:18 07/30/02

Go up one level in this thread

On July 30, 2002 at 09:57:03, Vincent Diepeveen wrote:

>On July 30, 2002 at 05:57:38, Omid David wrote:
>Competition is strong there, it's not like the tictactoe section
>such as the amazones where everyone who has a bugfree program
>can win easily the gold medal.
>I was actually watching a few games there from Tony against one
>of the stronger programs. Chinese chess is running a lot behind
>on how advanced chessprograms are nowadays.

Obvious this is not true. But it is understandable here. The center stage has
been in mainland china for last few years, and it is hard for westerner to know
what is going on there. It is all in chinese. Take a look at this site

it does have a english version, but unfortunetly very limited, chinese versin
have a lot more news and events there.

This is the premier site for advanced chinese chess players, include many of the
professional masters and grandmasters.

My chinese chess program, mrsj, has been playing in that site for some time. It
has set a few records there, and it won twice for its LeiSheng Tournament, and
is the current defending LeiSheng.

That tournament works like this. Only the top 32 players in the server can
partispate in a 7 round two-games swiss tournament, the first place finisher
then challenge the defending champion. The time control is 30 minutes free time,
then 1 minutes per move.

From the tournaments, and all other games my program played there, All experts
agreed that mrsj have the proformance of China's group B level. In China, the
natinal individual tournament has been divide to two groups, group A usually
about 24 people, and was the strongest, group B, again from 24-48 people. Giving
the dominence of China at Chinese chess, one can safely guess that my program,
running on a standard pc, was at around world 100th, if not 50th,  place. I
don't think that chess program is much advance than that.

Computer chinese chess is not behind than what computer chess has, not even a


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