Author: Vincent Diepeveen
Date: 06:57:03 07/30/02
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On July 30, 2002 at 05:57:38, Omid David wrote: Competition is strong there, it's not like the tictactoe section such as the amazones where everyone who has a bugfree program can win easily the gold medal. I was actually watching a few games there from Tony against one of the stronger programs. Chinese chess is running a lot behind on how advanced chessprograms are nowadays. Despite a good nodes a second, tony's main problems are chinese chess knowledge and especially tactics. They can't complain about nodes a second actually, tony's nps was ok, and the number of average moves in chinese chess isn't bigger than that of chess. So there is no reason to not search 12-15 plies. Yet Tony searched like 9 ply at most against his opponent 10 or so, but the opponent had loads of extensions. Tony missed a mate in 6 or so completely. Even at depth=9 this is unthinkable for any strong amateur chessprogram. The opponent saw it instantly. In short if you combine tactical weakness with just 9 ply, then it's pretty obvious who is going to win or lose a game if your evaluation isn't that strong either. I need to note that you cannot compare the level of todays software with that of 10 years ago simply. I'm sure Tony with a search depth of 9 ply would annihilate software of 10 years ago, which at those hardware probably got a few ply only. Bottom line is that Tony doesn't get through any tactical barrier yet, winning games is pretty hard then. We didn't adress the problem that he's getting outplayed positionally then yet. That's no issue if you blunder away material. >Looking at the results of the Olympiad in Maastricht, I found out that Tony >Marsland's Chinese Chess program Abyss'99, got the last place with one draw and >11 losses out of 12 games. Marsland has published several articles based on his >experiments with this "Updated Chinese Chess program" [quote from his article >"Variable Depth Search" 2000]. I wonder, what caused his program to perform so >poorly?
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