Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: programmers: pawn hash tables

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 22:42:15 03/07/03

Go up one level in this thread

On March 08, 2003 at 01:29:46, Joel wrote:

>Hey All,
>Just wondering what everyone thinks is the best way to implement a pawn hash
>At the moment I am incrementally generating a seperate pair of pawn hash keys,
>and using them to index a table - very similar to how my transposition table
>Is it possible to do _significantly_ better than this? It seems to be somewhat
>expensive to do, although having said that my NPS still went up at least 20% in
>most situations.

That is what everyone since chess 4.x has done.  Two signatures, one for
all pieces and pawns, one just for pawns.

>I am not really worried about effeciency as much as some other people here, so I
>guess I am really asking whether I am missing something major.

Doesn't sound like it.  But you will end up storing more than just a score for
the position.  IE passed pawn locations, weak pawn locations (or bitmaps that
feature them).  Etc...


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