Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: ChessBase winboard compatability

Author: Mike S.

Date: 15:25:00 06/04/03

Go up one level in this thread

On June 04, 2003 at 16:16:19, Jim Bodkins wrote:

>On June 04, 2003 at 16:12:07, Charles Smith wrote:
>>I'm a new member to this forum so I'm sure this question has been asked before.
>>The question is why doesn't ChessBase have a gui that accepts winboard engines
>>without having to use an adapter and do they have any plans to introduce one in
>>the future?

>I bet they dont. (...)

They did, in the past (prior to F7's UCI compatability).

Due to the different GUI/Engine concepts of WinBoard and Fritz, the CB. WinBoard
adapter never worked good enough, at least not with every WB. engine (although
there are some it works ok for, i.e. Delfi AFAIK). That adapter is discontinued,
and not included anymore with new CB. programs.

The ChessBase WB. adapter version of Nov. 2000 worked best; it is included i.e.
with Yace (but not needed for Yace of course if you have F7/8 etc., only for
older CB GUIs).

But I assume people will prefer the Wb2Uci method anyway.


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