Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: definition of clones: Danchess an Crafty

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 11:48:29 02/15/04

Go up one level in this thread

On February 15, 2004 at 14:43:06, Bob Durrett wrote:

>On February 15, 2004 at 14:29:52, Robert Hyatt wrote:
>In view of the size and complexity of Crafty I wonder whether or not cloning
>Crafty is really a good idea for the newbie chess programmer to get started.
>On the other hand, maybe there are parts of crafty which could be used in the
>beginning so that the newbie programmer could concentrate on creating his/her
>own code for the really important parts.

I don't disagree.  The parts that always cause me the most concern center around
the evaluation and search.  I didn't look at his search carefully at all, but I
did look at the evaluation, and that has too much copied code...  There may be
significant search code copied or not.  But copying either is really copying the
"personality" of the program...

Several have started with gnuchess, for example, but by the time they claim it
as their own and distribute something, the important stuff has been re-done by
the person doing the work, rather than just copied...

>Dann Corbit seems to have suggested that starting with an existing search
>algorithm, such as alpha/beta, might be a prudent way to get started.
>It is not so clear about the position evaluation [and maybe move generator].  I
>do not read about well known algorithms for position evaluation.
>Some of the input-output and supporting software maybe should be used as-is
>assuming the copyright owner consents.
>Am I on the right track?
>Bob D.

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