Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Result of my experiments, limited to Available books

Author: Claude Le Page

Date: 10:02:51 02/20/05

Go up one level in this thread

Hi Sandro!
For what we are studying , matches or tournaments , I don't see the difference :
There are GAMES , and that is all!
My Thesis is the following : Commercial opening books are supposed to be tuned
to the engine with which they are supplied
Yet they do no better than books of databases , not specially made for an engine
or another ;
Then there are only 2 possible explanations:
1) By chance the books of MegaCor3 and FritzPowerbook happen to be as good
opening books as specially tuned ones both for Hiarcs9 and for DeepJunior8
If it's true , then you can use these 2 books as opening book for a new engine
that you are developping ; this is amazing , but interesting and useful
2)The opening books of Fritz , Junior ,Shredder and so on are obtained by the
same way :they choose a database , and give it's book as opening book for an
engine : in this way , I have been said that the opening book of ChessTiger15 is
very similar to the book of FritzPowerbook , and yet it is  not worse than
There is a point to check:MegaCor3 and Powerbook are "selections" of games ;
there is another sort of databases : those obtained in an "automatic" way :
I have 2 :
The games of Chess Informant from N°01 to N°87
The most recent samples of TWIC (only 37000 games)
First is perhaps biased : correspondents send the games they think noticeable ,
so there are more games won by White
Second would be more neutral as it contains "integral" of a tornament if it's
strong enough (Linares ,Corus aso ), but it's probably less creative than
I am going to test this new sort of books
As you can see ,I make no judgement whatsoever
Friendly Yours
Claude Le Page

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