Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Result of my experiments, limited to Available books

Author: Sandro Necchi

Date: 10:20:44 02/20/05

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On February 20, 2005 at 13:02:51, Claude Le Page wrote:

>Hi Sandro!

Hi Claude,

>For what we are studying , matches or tournaments , I don't see the difference :

I do.

>There are GAMES , and that is all!

So to you tournament and matches for humans are only games?
So when you play against an opponent you choose random?

>My Thesis is the following : Commercial opening books are supposed to be tuned
>to the engine with which they are supplied

Some of them yes, others no.
Of course how they are tuned can be very different from maker to maker. I mean
if a make a book for program a and I chose a specific line does not mean it is
tuned...only that I have make a selection...:-)

>Yet they do no better than books of databases , not specially made for an engine
>or another ;

This is your opinion. Not mine.

>Then there are only 2 possible explanations:
>1) By chance the books of MegaCor3 and FritzPowerbook happen to be as good
>opening books as specially tuned ones both for Hiarcs9 and for DeepJunior8

I do not agree.

>If it's true , then you can use these 2 books as opening book for a new engine
>that you are developping ; this is amazing , but interesting and useful

My tests show otherwise.

>2)The opening books of Fritz , Junior ,Shredder and so on are obtained by the
>same way :they choose a database

No, we did not choose a database for Shredder, but made the selection manually.

, and give it's book as opening book for an
>engine : in this way , I have been said that the opening book of ChessTiger15 is
>very similar to the book of FritzPowerbook , and yet it is  not worse than
>There is a point to check:MegaCor3 and Powerbook are "selections" of games ;
>there is another sort of databases : those obtained in an "automatic" way :

Yes, it is true for ChessTiger and FritzPowerbook, but not for Fritz 8 and Deep
Fritz 8 as well as for Junior 8 and maybe Junior 9 too...I do not know as they
are made by other people...

>I have 2 :
>The games of Chess Informant from N°01 to N°87
>The most recent samples of TWIC (only 37000 games)
>First is perhaps biased : correspondents send the games they think noticeable ,
>so there are more games won by White
>Second would be more neutral as it contains "integral" of a tornament if it's
>strong enough (Linares ,Corus aso ), but it's probably less creative than
>I am going to test this new sort of books

Look I have all the Chess Informator from 1 to 91 and I did checked many of the
games listed there.
The problem with these games is that often the analysis are not correct and
those lines can be improved.
Since these games are well known it happens frequently that you play a "winning"
line taken from those and you get killed by improvements...this is why to get
games from a database without checking/studying them is time wasted...if it was
so easy to make a book by getting games from played ones, then I would have
started to develop a chess program myself rather than working on the opening
book full (free) time...

>As you can see ,I make no judgement whatsoever

Me too...

>Friendly Yours
>Claude Le Page


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