Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Zappa UCI: You are all a bunch of HYPOCRITES

Author: Jonas Cohonas

Date: 17:21:34 09/04/05

Go up one level in this thread

>>PS I'm somewhat insulted by the title of your post - IMO you're sailing close to
>>the wind of warranting moderator intervention - maybe that was your intention
>I call the people who say they will not buy an engine without UCI support, but
>have bought Fritz (or Junior or Tiger ...) hypocrites.

Sorry GC, but to me that is pure nonsense, Zappa is about to be released,
Chessbase has been around for a long time and is not about to just change their
protocol. It is therefore only normal to express your preference as Zappa is
about to be released so they can take costumer needs into consideration.

It will be hard enough as it is to sell a new UCI engine, but if it comes with
it's own gui and own engine protocol, then i suspect it is going to be very few
people who buys it.

Please answer this; what is wrong with adding more than one protocol? (wb2,uci

>If that is out of line perhaps you can suggest a better word.

Perhaps not a word, but a wording "Dear potential buyers of Zappa, i disagree"
:) (just joking).

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