Computer Chess Club Archives




Subject: Re: Checks in the Qsearch

Author: Robert Hyatt

Date: 09:28:32 06/30/02

Go up one level in this thread

On June 29, 2002 at 14:18:53, Christophe Theron wrote:

>On June 28, 2002 at 17:54:56, Keith Evans wrote:
>>On June 28, 2002 at 16:33:10, Scott Gasch wrote:
>>>Another idea that I read from was that generating non-capturing checks in the
>>>qsearch against a side that has had a chance to stand pat already is a waste.  I
>>>really don't understand this idea and disagree with it.  Imagine black has had
>>>an oppertunity to stand pat but instead plays RxN (N appears hung).  Well this
>>>looks really good unless white then generates Qd4+ forking blacks R and K and
>>>winning the R.  If you neglect to generate checks on a side who has already had
>>>the chance to stand pat you let him get away with RxN and like it.  If the only
>>>reason to add checks to the qsearch is to find mates then I agree -- checking
>>>after a side could stand pat is wasted.  But if the goal is to improve tactical
>>>play then I think this idea is not sound.
>>I'll be very interested to see what responses this generates. Hsu took the time
>>to design and implement special logic to help generate checking and check
>>evasion moves in Deep Blue which I assume was used in qsearch. This was not a
>>trivial undertaking - it adds both additional logic and additional interconnect.
>>He probably had a good reason for doing it, since he could have used that time
>>for something else like implementing a small hash table.
>And maybe he had no good reason to do it.
>As far as I know there are many amateur programmers here that have spent much
>more time in trying and validating ideas (not even speaking of the commercial
>programmers) than Hsu.
>I think Hsu and his team have done a great job in implementing a chess program
>in a chip.
>However I think taking him and his team as a reference in chess programming is a
>big mistake.
>As I have said, I think there are many chess programmers here who are much more
>skilled than Hsu and his team in chess programming.
>    Christophe

Hmmm.. I would _never_ make that statement.  Have you _ever_ talked with
Hsu or Campbell?  I suspect not because if you had, you would not think
them quite that incapable.

>>"The Deep Blue chip has a number of additional functions, including the
>>generation of checking and check evasion moves, as well as allowing the
>>generation of certain kinds of attacking moves, which permits improved
>>quiescence searching. The chip also supports several search extensions,
>>including singular extensions"
>>If anybody could enlighten me about the usefulness of this additional logic I
>>would be grateful.

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